October 23, 2008

Future "Soccer Girl"

We signed Addie up for soccer a few weekends ago and she's been having tons of fun following in her Daddy's footsteps. Every Saturday morning for the next few weeks we'll be out at the field watching her learn all the basics of being a great Soccer Superstar. Seems she's enjoying all the kicking and running, however she's not sure about the other kids kicking her pink ball! Hard to explain to a 3 year old that's kind of the point behind soccer. One of the things they do at the end of the session is pick up the cones, hence the orange pointy thing she is putting on her head. Hopefully we can get some short video clips to add soon.

The Pumpkin Patch 2008

We went to pick out our pumpkin this year with Uncle T, Aunt Tina, Hannah, PaPa and GaGa. The girls had so much fun weaving through the pumpkins and riding in the wagon. Emory was the only one that would cooperate for pictures, so most of these are action shots!

Emory's Walking!!!

Well, she has finally started walking around by herself! For the longest time she's enjoyed standing up and then sitting right back down. BUT NOW...she's actually standing up walking alittle and then sitting back down. Pretty soon she'll be running after her big sister (Lord help us!) Here's some video of her little Frankenstein walk!

Emory's Birthday and Baptism weekend

Here are some pictures from Emory's 1st birthday and her Baptism @ KUMC. We had a great weekend with Ben's parents, and the Adlers! We spent Saturday watching football, smoking some ribs, and having fun in the pool (I don't think Addie was having as much fun in the pool as Max!) Sunday we went to church and then had Emory's party @ Maclay Gardens. The big kids had a good time swimming around and Emory had fun sticking cake up her nose! Can't believe she is already a year old!!!